Mass Production Area
Fighting Against Food Inequality
Bordering a USDA designated food desert, we are committed to sourcing food back into the community through partnerships with local food banks and community refrigerators like Not Your Last Supper (@notyourlastsupper).
Through a partnership with LifeNet Health, we are installing seven community production beds that will enable us to produce crops like carrots, sweet potatoes, collards, lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers. Like us, LifeNet Health is committed to improving social determinants of health, reducing the likelihood of long term health conditions that result in organ failure. These beds will honor the members of our community that have donated their organs so that others may live.
Through effective crop rotation and rolling production, our goal is to source 800 lbs of fresh produce back into the community each year. These plots will be maintained by donor families, garden members, and community volunteers. We are seeking community partners and businesses to sponsor and source seeds and seedlings for these beds on a recurring, annual basis.